Specialist in Neck, Back & Sports Injuries

Bicep strain rehabilitation.



The bicep muscle is one of the most important for your upper body strength. An injury to this hardworking muscle can make day-to-day tasks difficult.

We most often see bicep injuries at the connection point with your shoulder. Strains or tears can develop in the ligaments. The tendons can also slip out of the groove at the top of the humerus — the bone of the upper arm — that holds the muscle in place.

These conditions result in bicep tendonitis, which is a strain or tear in the tendons that can cause a great deal of pain.

Since these kinds of injuries usually develop slowly over time, they are hard to prevent. Be sure to listen to your body when an activity is causing pain that goes beyond temporary muscle soreness.

Advice to speed recovery:

As with strains in other joints, you can use anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce swelling. Also, apply these three at-home treatments:

* Rest: Take a break from the activity that’s causing pain or soreness.

* Ice: Apply ice packs to the affected area to reduce pain and minimize swelling.

* Elevation: Sit propped up instead of lying flat. Keep your injured joint above the level of your heart.

Once you feel you can begin to strengthen the bicep again, try the exercise above. Lift a dumbbell with your strong arm and then pass it to the injured arm and lower the weight slowly with good control. Start light and build the weight up when you can comfortably perform 10 reps. The exercise should be pain free, if you feel any pain during the exercise, stop.

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