Specialist in Neck, Back & Sports Injuries

Setting SMART Goals For Success

The method of SMART goals is one of the most effective tools used by high achievers to reach any of their goals consistently.

The “SMART” model of goal setting:

S = Specific

M = Measurable

A = Achievable

R = Relevant

T = Time-bounded

Once your fitness goals are SMART, break down each goal into a specific, clear tasks and activities needed to accomplish your goals. It’s important to periodically review your goals and make adjustments if necessary. Goal setting for your fitness goals is an essential tool for success.

An example of SMART goal setting is, if you want to lose weight for a holiday, don’t just state that you want to lose weight, get smart with it. 

How much weight do you specifically want to lose?

What are you going to measure? Just weight lost or are you going to measure calories+exercise too.

Now is it achievable? 1-2lbs of fat loss per week is a good target, much more than that and it starts to become unachievable to sustain.

Next, is everything you’re tracking and doing relevant to your goal? Make sure you’re focusing on the important areas!

And lastly make it time-bound. If you have a holiday then that’s one time frame to have but you can also set smaller weekly/monthly goals which are time-bound to help you stay on track and keep focus.

Implement these goals and track them consistently and you’ll be sure to find success in whichever fitness goal you may have!

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