Specialist in Neck, Back & Sports Injuries

Don’t Drink Your Calories



Empty calories. Whenever you look at your nutrition you should focus on nutrient density. What does this mean? You want to get the best bang for your buck — so choose food that has the most nutrients per calorie. A good example of a nutrient dense food is broccoli.

Broccoli is packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients and is low in calories. On the other hand, a vanilla latte is a good example of something with a poor nutrient density, very little consumed for a lot of calories.


Liquid calories do not help you feel full. Fiber, healthy fats, and protein help us feel full. Sugar sweetened drinks do not have fibre, healthy fats or protein So are just adding unnecessary calories to our daily total.

The best option I can give you is to switch to diet, zero calorie sodas and limit the amount of coffee and alcohol you consume. If you must keep drinking calories, make sure you’re tracking your calories and still staying on target, but be warned, if you drink a lot of calories in, you will feel hungry a lot more than you need to!

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